By the time I was about 10 years old, I had already figured out that choosing the right friends was really important. This is universally true, but in my case, being legally blind makes some things more clear. This is one of those things.
My closest circle of friends were the ones who would let me ride bikes with them even though I could not see the chalkboard from the front row and I definitely didn’t have enough vision to safely do the stuff I did. My friends were the ones who might hesitate for a minute to throw a dodge ball at me, but then they’d throw it anyway not just because they want to win the game, but because they just saw me as me, and the vision impairment was secondary. I much preferred to lose at dodgeball and be a part of that childhood world than be the kid who never got included, never had to meet high expectations, never learned to battle back after a setback, and never learned to mentally adjust when things are just plain difficult or impossible. Friends like that who let me expand my horizons, work outside of my comfort zone, and still... when it came to things that really mattered, like not letting me get hit by a car on my bike... they were always there to watch out for me.
Even now, my closest friends are the ones who understand this. They give good audio commentary for “people watching” or tell me who walks into a room in real time so I’m socially aware of my surroundings. They have compassion and awareness of my needs while still allowing my independence. They trust me. I trust them. And while I don’t ride bikes with them anymore or play dodgeball, I admit there is photographic evidence from more recent times that I was trusted to drive the jet ski and the golf cart. So some things just evolve.
But I digress.
Bottom line: Those friendships have not only been rewarding and a great way to generate new experiences to make life better, but they are also a mirror of how surrounding yourself with the right people can enrich your life. Have you had friends like that? The ones who lift you up and empower you, but also work to protect you? If so, consider yourself fortunate to have those people in your life, and be that kind of person in return.
But the real reason I told you all of this is not just about friendship. It’s about mentorship. And understanding how those friendship works gives you some perspective on how great mentorships can work. And a look at how incredibly powerful, game-changing, life-changing they can be. Mentors are the people you put in your life on purpose with focus beyond traditional friendship. Mentorship, which can also be a friendship, is one of those things that is specifically focused on building the mentee (learner) up in particular ways. And like friendships, the right people serving as your mentor can truly change EVERYTHING. My mentors in life have absolutely done that for me. So yes, it’s a very big deal, because success doesn’t happen on accident and it doesn’t happen alone. And let’s be honest- it’s more fun that way.
Ready to really build your personal or professional life with a mentor? Here’s some quick tips to get started.
Pick the right mentor.
Don’t let mentorship just fall in your lap based on who is popular or influential in your world. Selecting the right mentor has to be done with careful thought and patience with consideration for who might have the right wisdom and also who will be willing to keep your best interest at heart.
Be a good mentee.
Show up for mentorship with true gratitude. It is a privilege, not a right. Bring your best, be on time, be coachable, and trust the process.
When it’s time- give back and mentor someone else.
We all know I’m not going to be a jet ski instructor, but from what I experienced, I could certainly help someone learn to be brave or be coachable or be open to possibilities or try new things or live life to the fullest. That’s how you can look at your mentorship experience. In every learning instance, there are things you can take from it and you can master those things to be passed on by you as a mentee. Is that required? No. But it sure is a rewarding way to complete the mentorship cycle and bring things full circle.
Love, Andrea
P.S. If you want to dig into the topic of Mentorship more specifically, or if you know someone who would benefit from that, grab our Mentorship Lifeline mini-course.
It’s part of our 30 for Under $30 series where you can do a deeper dive into topics that really matter in 30 minutes or less, for under $30.
It helps you, and it helps us as you support our work to empower our followers for more abundant, joyful, and fulfilled lives every day.
We hope we get to see you inside the course soon!
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We're twins from Texas. We were born nearly 3 months prematurely and were never supposed to live through our first night. And that was just the beginning. Together and as individuals, we've conquered a severe disability, near homelessness, rejection, single-motherhood, cancer, and more... in order to become global entrepreneurs, speakers, Olympic torch bearer, All-American and world champion athletes, and joyful moms.
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