World Class Leadership Part 1


Your role as a leader may be labeled as "coach", "parent", "teacher", "teammate", "colleague", and so on. It will be important that you recognize that your success in any type of leadership role is an impactful one that will require you to use your own gifts and talents to make a positive difference in the world. The KEY to great leadership is that you work to make your mark in the world while building up other great leaders. Without that key final component, you're just barking orders and using a title.

This blog post the first in a series of 4 lessons originally built for coaches focusing on Leadership elements of their work, but it provides excellent insight for athletes and parents, as well, so we encourage you to take notes and learn from the perspective of the leadership role you find yourself in most. In this video, we address Key elements of leadership, motivation, and learning styles. 

If you love it and want to see parts 2, 3, and 4, just let us know in comments below! This lesson is one of many also included in The Leader for Life™ Certification program. If you are, or are responsible for a young rising leader age 14-24, you'll want to check it out. If you are in the United Kingdom, the Leader for Life™ Certification is also one way you can obtain the Skills portions for your Duke of Edinburgh Awards. Check it out here!

Thanks for visiting the L3 Blog! 

We're twins from Texas. We were born nearly 3 months prematurely and were never supposed to live through our first night. And that was just the beginning. Together and as individuals, we've conquered a severe disability, near homelessness, rejection, single-motherhood, cancer, and more... in order to become global entrepreneurs, speakers, Olympic torch bearer, All-American and world champion athletes, and joyful moms.

Now, our daily goal is to be a blessing to you and to be a catalyst for good. Sports, Parenting and Coaching rank way up there on the list of what we love, so that's why Lead Love Legacy started. We're here to teach you how to be a leader and how to build high performing leaders for life at home, on the field, and far beyond. To read our full bio, click here.

Feel free to share our content if it is meaningful to you, but only via links to our site. If you'd like us to be a guest or if you want to use our work in any other way, please contact us here for details.

Additionally, many of our posts include lessons from our virtual classes or private curriculum.  If you like this blog post, you'll LOVE the entire course offering. Have a look...


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