How to Build a Culture in Sport and at Home for Higher Performance and Greater Joy
I walked into our son’s room the other day and saw a note that he had taped to his bathroom mirror. It was handwritten from his sister, with nicknames and all. She left the note for him the last time she left the house to venture back to college in Austin, so he taped it up for a daily reminder of her encouragement to him. Yes, they love each other deeply.
As I looked at that, reflected on something. I’m really proud of the culture we've built in this house. I’m also really proud of the culture that Andrea and I built with our companies and staff family. Andrea’s kids operate in a similar fashion, so I know she’s proud of the culture she built. We are proud of the culture which we played a role in back when we were collegiate athletes, and now benefit from lifelong meaningful relationships with our former teammates. And we want the same for you.
So that got us thinking… everything about our culture has always been on purpose. How can we put that in a bottle and teach other leaders? Parents like you, coaches like you, teachers like you, teammates like you… if you want to build a culture that is GREAT, you’ll need to be intentional about the great system that you set up.
- Want everyone to stop fighting and just get along better? That’s culture.
- Want to drive more sales? That’s culture.
- Want peace in the house? That’s culture.
- Want grades to go up and help to be offered? That’s culture.
- Want motivation? You guessed it, culture.
- Want to attract more athletes to the team? Earn more wins? Make a positive impact?
That’s culture.
At Lead Love Legacy, it’s never been a secret that our work has always been driven by our innate and deep desire to be a catalyst for good in the world. So today, we call these steps How to Build a Catalyst Culture.
When you set out to build a Catalyst Culture at home, it's important to first understand what it's not. A Catalyst Culture is not about getting everyone to do it your way. It's collaborative. But in order to facilitate that collaboration, you first need to be clear on where you want to go, what you stand for. We call this your Hall of Fame.
That means you need to do the work to define what you want to be known for, what you will stand for, and what you are no longer willing to stand for in order to make your positive mark on the world… starting with your own home and your own people.
Next, you'll need to take responsibility for actually implementing your Hall of Fame. That means you’ll be weaving what matters to you into the household culture or team culture that you are leading and building. You’ll need to be vulnerable enough to make it known, and then you’ll need to get everyone in the family or team on-board and on the same page. (We do lots of exercises in our courses for this, so if you need help you can easily get examples, activities, helpful “rules” to consider, and quick action steps for all of this in our 30 for under 30 Series). For now, keep reading for the next most important steps…
Lastly, if you truly want to build a Catalyst Culture at home, you MUST have a bias toward regular, repeated, and consistent action that matches who you intend to be and what you say you'll do. This builds trust and it is the only lasting way to drive higher performance, better relationships, and more joy.
How many times have you seen fluffy words written on a company manual or even blasted on their wall... “Integrity. Honesty. Commitment…blah blah blah… because nobody is actually acting that way? Sometimes the employees don't even know what the company mission, vision, or ethos is... much less leverages it intentionally on a daily basis to better the world in some way. That should be a red flag for you as you build your own Catalyst Culture with intention.
It is true that there is nothing more powerful than making your WHY clear and KNOWN. So now that you've done that, and perhaps your family or teammates are starting their own work, the bias toward action every day is critical here.
- Remember, people commit to a culture that they help create. Rules are so 2020. Are you barking orders from the top, or are you truly listening to what matters to everyone, and then living by standards that align with that- Standards that everyone had a say in. Standards can drive behaviors you want without ever having to mandate a rule for every circumstance. For example, if you have a family standard that is “relationships over technology” because that was agreed upon and in alignment with everyone’s Hall of Fame, the rule of no phones at the table doesn’t even need to be said. If you have a family standard that is to love and encourage each other, you might get a sibling with a sweet post-it note on their mirror.
- Celebrate the courage it takes to be intentional about building a better culture. It’s not always easy, but you are a brave leader.
- Offer Grace. Building a Catalyst Culture is going to take humility, first on your part, and then for everyone. We will not always get everything right all of the time. It will take grace- for yourself and others.
- Teach empathy. This is something you’ll hear from us over and over again. Humans support humans from wherever you are.
- Honor that this is going to be a work in progress always. Amazing cultures, whether at home, as a corporation, or as a sports team... do not happen overnight. They are always being exposed to various challenges, and external pressures and that's how we turn coal into a diamond. Keep reflecting, refining, and shining.
If you want help with the specifics of this, we got you.
You can learn it all in less than 30 minutes and for less than $30. There’s videos, activities, examples, and guided reflections to help you build your own unique Catalyst Culture that drives higher performance, better relationships, and happier kids. See you there!
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We're twins from Texas. We were born nearly 3 months prematurely and were never supposed to live through our first night. And that was just the beginning. Together and as individuals, we've conquered a severe disability, near homelessness, rejection, single-motherhood, cancer, and more... in order to become global entrepreneurs, speakers, Olympic torch bearer, All-American and world champion athletes, and joyful moms.
Now, our daily goal is to be a blessing to you and to be a catalyst for good. Sports, Parenting and Coaching rank way up there on the list of what we love, so that's why Lead Love Legacy started. We're here to teach you how to be a leader and how to build high performing leaders for life at home, on the field, and far beyond. To read our full bio, click here.
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