The BEST Two-for-One Headline at Your Next Event
Identical twins Aly Calvo and Andrea Kulberg, M.Ed have inspired audiences around the world and make it their life's work to build leaders for life. Be inspired, held accountable, get equipped, and be entertained all at the same time with Aly and Andrea at your next event or as your podcast guest. Click below to get in touch today.
YES! I want to book Aly and Andrea on my Stage
Aly Calvo & Andrea Kulberg, M.Ed
Meet identical twins, Aly Calvo and Andrea Kulberg, M.Ed. Andrea is legally blind. Aly is fully sighted. Aly & Andrea are Co-Founders of Legacy Cheer and Dance (United Kingdom) and Lead Love Legacy (United States).
Together and individually, Aly and Andrea have overcome incredible life-challenges including blindness, poverty, divorce, and cancer to become an award winning international entrepreneurs, TV actress and spokesperson, speakers, World Champion and All-American athletes, Olympic torch bearer, and cancer survivor. They have trained and mentored thousands of people from world class athletes and aspiring entrepreneurs to military veterans, business leaders, and parents. Aly and Andrea connect with their online and live audiences in real, authentic ways where their inspiring story and contagious leadership style is the perfect blend of compassion and accountability.
These former University of Texas cheerleaders now spend their lives as personal development coaches and have impacted the lives of thousands of coaches, athletes, and parents around the world in key areas of high performance, empowerment, leadership, and success. Aly and Andrea are available for bookings: keynotes, workshops, breakout sessions, podcasts, radio, and TV spots.
*Full bio available here.
Sample Topics
Bespoke Topics Available Upon Request. Topics listed are from Aly & Andrea's L3 Method of Leadership™, which can be taught for the roles of parents, coaches, teachers, or influencer of our generations on the rise. These topics can also be taught corporately to leaders who are passionate about character-based development among their teams.
Motivation that Moves You!
It's nice to be inspired, but this is motivation that moves you into action for greater joy, more fulfillment, higher performance, and more success as you build the life you want to live. Support for parents, athletes, coaches, decision-makers, entrepreneurs, and leaders- Aly and Andrea are the perfect match for your audience. Click below for availability and information.
Speaker/Media Request